For times when a pie or a cake simply is not enough.

PIECAKEN is a whole pie baked inside of a cake. Any cake. Any pie. PIECAKEN has endless flavour combinations, which is why this web page exists. So when a pie or a cake simply is not enough, turn to this page for recipes, ideas, photos and events dedicated to PIECAKEN. It is a celebration all on its own, baked into one delicious dessert.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Raspberry Pie Nestled in a Flourless Dark Chocolate Cake (Recipe)

This PIECAKEN is bursting with bold, bittersweet flavours. And it worked out perfectly the very first time I tried it, without any need for tinkering with my recipe.  So here is the recipe for a rich, delicious dessert, worthy of any high-end dessert café or a fancy dinner party.

And be prepared - this is a large cake!  You really should be planning to serve at least 12 people with this cake (and even then, you will still have a few leftover pieces). If you want something smaller, use a small pie (4"), cut the cake recipe in half, and place in a 6" to 8" cake pan (instead of 10").

Raspberry Pie Nestled in a Flourless Dark Chocolate Cake (Recipe)

For the pie, you need:
  • The Perfect Pie Crust (see our recipe here)
  • 4 cups of frozen whole raspberries (one 600g bag less a cup)
  • 1 cup of sugar (preferably unbleached, golden cane sugar or a whole brown sugar)
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon

For the cake, you need:
  • 16 ounces / 454 grams of 70% dark chocolate (any 70% dark chocolate, such as Lindt, or an organic and Fair Trade brand like Green & Blacks or Camino brands), broken into 1 inch pieces.
  • 1 lb butter / 454 grams (for a milk/dairy free version, use equivalent in Coconut Oil), chopped in cubes
  • 1 and 1/4 cups of sugar (I have now made this cake with regular granulated sugar, organic golden cane sugar and a lower glycemic version with coconut sugar - they all worked out great!
  • 8 eggs, at room temperature (place in a bowl of warm water if cold)
  • 1.5 tsp. of sea salt

For the topping/glaze:
  • 8 ounces / 227 g of semi-sweet dark chocolate (50% to 65%)
  • 1/2 cup cream or 1/3 cup water
  • 1 tbsp. corn syrup, agave syrup or honey

Baking Instructions:

To make the pie:
  1. Thaw the raspberries in a medium mixing bowl in the fridge overnight or on the counter for 4 hours (or in the microwave from frozen for 1 minute).  Then pour out some of the juice from the bottom of the bowl (pour into a cup and drink it - it's healthy!).
  2. Add the sugar, cinnamon and lemon juice and stir well.
  3. Pour into your prepared pie shell (follow the recipe and be sure to pre-bake the pie crust for 10 minutes first before adding the filling).
  4. Add a top crust and seal with an egg wash (1 egg yolk and three tbsp. of water, milk or cream) and brush the top with the egg wash.
  5. Poke holes in the top crust with a fork.
  6. Place the pie on a flat cookie sheet or pan to make it easier to move in and out of the oven (it also catches drips and keeps your oven clean!)
  7. Bake in a preheated 350 degree F oven for 35 to 40 minutes
  8. Let cool on a cooling rack for 1/2 to 1 hour before putting into your cake mix.

To make the cake:

  1. Prepare a 10" springform cake pan with a round parchment paper in the bottom (you can use a regular 10" cake pan if you do not have a springform pan in that size).  Grease the paper and the sides of the cake pan.
  2. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
  3. Place the chopped butter and chocolate in a heat-proof bowl over a double boiler (a small pot with 1 inch of water in it at a low simmer) and stir constantly until melted. Remove from heat. You can use the stainless steel bowl from your stand mixer, if it does not have a thick-plated or rubber base.
  4. Add the sugar and stir well.  Let rest five minutes.
  5. Add all 8 eggs and mix with a hand mixer (or stand mixer) until well blended (do not over-beat, if it starts to get fluffy, stop mixing).
  6. Toss in the salt and mix for about 10 seconds more with your hand mixer or with a spatula.
  7. Pour 1/3 to 1/2 of the cake batter into your prepared cake pan.
  8. Flip your pie over, upside-down onto the centre of the batter in the pan.
  9. Pour the remaining batter over the pie.  Spread the batter around and into the edges to even out the top.
  10. Bake in a preheated oven for 50 minutes. Turn off oven when done baking.  Open the door, pull out the oven rack the cake is sitting on and leave the door open for 15 minutes until the cake cool and sinks a bit.  Remove carefully from the oven, then let cool completely on a cooling rack. Refrigerate for at least two hours before flipping onto a serving plate and topping the cake.

For the topping and cake presentation:
  1. Once completely cooled and chilled, run a hot knife around the edges and, if using, release your springform pan sides and remove. Place your serving plate upside down and centred onto the cake, then flip the cake and plate over so the cake is upside down on your serving plate (this means the pie inside the cake is now right-side-up!).
  2. Place your broken chocolate pieces into a heat-proof bowl.
  3. Boil the cream in a small pan on the stove top until it just reaches the boiling point. Pour it over the chocolate and stir with a wooden spoon slowly until completely mixed and smooth.
  4. Add the tbsp. of syrup and stir. This will add a nice shine to your glaze. 
  5. Pour over the cake and, working quickly with an offset spatula, spread to the sides and run along the sides to smooth out. Wipe any excess off of the serving plate with wet and dry paper towels.

Serve chilled, with red wine or a good dark roast coffee and enjoy!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Savoury Piecakens - Chicken Pot Pie in a Cornbread Recipe

Of all the PIECAKEN information available online, I have yet to find any info on savoury piecakens, so it is quite possible that this is a category that my friends and I have created all on our own.  During the last PiecakenFest that we had here on Manitoulin Island, we included a separate competition category for Savoury Piecakens.  With five entries, we were able to see a variety of dinner-style PIECAKENs, and each one was definitely an entire meal in itself.

I have made four Savoury PIECAKENs and have enjoyed each and every one. So today I will share one of these tasty recipes, as well as pictures of two different versions of the same recipe.

Recipe:  Chicken-Pot-Pie-Inside-of-a-Sour Cream-Cornbread PIECAKEN

Pie Crust: You can purchase a prepared pie crust, or follow my "Perfect Pie Crust" recipe that appeared in a previous post here.
To make it easier to remove the pie plate later, prepare your 8" or 9"disposable aluminum, glass or other pie plate by greasing it with lard or butter and cutting a round parchment paper slightly larger than the plate (enough to cover the upper edges - about 1/4" past your crust edges). Press the parchment paper into the pie plate (greasing it makes the parchment stick to the plate). Then grease your parchment paper and dust it with flour before placing your pie crust dough in.

Remember to bake your crust for at least 10 minutes at 350 degrees F before adding the filling. Otherwise your bottom crust may be too soft for the piecaken if not pre-baked.
Chicken Pot Pie Recipe:

You need:

  • 2 cooked chicken breasts, lightly seasoned with salt or other seasonings (bake the chicken breasts in the oven on a pan for 25 minutes at 350 degrees F or for 35 or 40 minutes if frozen, or buy pre-cooked chicken breasts). Slice into bite-sized pieces.
  • 2 small cans of Campbell’s Original Cream of Mushroom soup (this one has the most natural ingredients, or try to choose a brand with no modified starches, artificial colors or flavours).
  • ½ cup chopped Carrots
  • ½ cup finely chopped broccoli
  • Finely chopped onions and garlic (if you want them)
  • ¼ cup frozen corn or peas

1. Stir fry all your vegetables (onions and garlic first until softened, then add others) in a medium-sized pot on the stove. Or steam vegetable together until softened.

2. Add the mushroom soup to the mixture and stir. Warm the entire mixture together on medium heat on the stovetop until warm and well mixed.

3. Add the filling to your prepared pie crust and then add a top crust and press with a fork around the edges until you get a sealed pie. Make an egg wash (egg yolk and a few tablespoons of water or cream and beat together) and brush it on the pie crust top prior to baking. Stab it with a fork about five times to let the steam escape. You can also brush a little egg wash in between the edges of the top and bottom crust before pressing with a fork to get them to stick.

4. Bake your Chicken Pot Pie for 25 to 35 minutes at 350 degrees F until crust is golden brown.

Cornbread Recipe and Piecaken Preparation

You need:

  • 2.5  cups 18% sour cream (you can use any % fat sour cream, but I like Gaylea Gold Sour Cream because it doesn't have any additives)
  • 1.5 cups yellow cornmeal
  • 2 cup all-purpose unbleached flour (I’ve also used light spelt flour and rice flour as alternates)
  • 2 tbsps sugar (or agave)
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 4 tbsp butter, melted
1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.
2. Sift together all dry ingredients into a bowl.
3. Combine beaten egg and sour cream.
4. Add the egg and sour cream mixture and the melted butter to the dry ingredients and stir the batter until just mixed.
5. Prepare a 9" or 10" springform pan (or 9 x 13" rectangular pan) with parchment paper and by greasing the sides.
6. Spoon 1/3 batter into bottom of the pan and spread it around to cover the bottom (a thin 1/4-inch layer is enough)
7. Flip your Chicken Pot Pie upside down onto the batter. Remove your pie plate and parchment paper.
8. Spoon the rest of the batter onto the pie and spread all the batter around and into the cracks and edges.
9. Bake piecaken for 45 minutes to 1 hour (until a knife, inserted just next to the pie edges, comes out clean)

10. Let cool slightly and then run a knife around the insides. Release and remove spring form sides. Serve warm.  If bringing to a potluck, then reheat gently later and ensure there is moisture (such as a pan of water) in the oven to prevent it from drying out.  You can wrap with foil also to protect the sides or put the spring form sides back on while re-heating.

Optional: You can top it with cheese and herbs or smoked salt if you like, or wait until cooked, then top with a ketchup glaze (see below). 

Ketchup Glaze: Simmer 1 cup of ketchup, 2 tsp Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper and 1 tbsp molasses in a small saucepan on stove for 5 minutes or until thickened. Spread on top of piecaken or decorate by spooning into a Ziplock bag and cutting the corner.

Piecaken Tips: Make the pie on one day/evening and make the piecaken the next day. b

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Perfect Pie Crust

For any good PIECAKEN, you need a great pie crust. I have experimented with many pie crusts over the last five years (since I opened my pastry, cake and chocolate business) and this one is, by far, my favourite. I started with a recipe that I found on the inside of a box of lard, and then I made a few changes to prevent stickiness and found that I ended up with a flakier, crisper crust. Plus, although lard is fat, it does not contain hydrogenated vegetable oil like most shortening does, so you are saving on any added unhealthy ingredients.

Here is my recipe:

Recipe: Tasty, Crispy Pie Crust

You need:
  • 5.5 cups flour (unbleached, all-purpose)
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1 lb lard
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp vinegar (white)
  • 3/4 cup water

Prepare your pie plate by using a little of the lard to spread around the pan and on top of the sides (to prevent the crust edges from sticking).  Then dust with flour.  PIECAKEN Tip: cut a parchment paper the same size as your pie plate and line the pie plate with it, then slather more lard on the parchment and dust with flour. This will make it easier for you to extract your pie from its plate later.

1. Combine the flour and salt in a stand mixer bowl (or regular medium or large baking bowl). 

2. Chop lard into pieces (about 1-inch in size).

3. With paddle attachment on a stand mixer, mix the lard with the flour and salt until it is crumb-like in texture. If you do not have a stand mixer, use two knives or a whisk to chop up the lard and mix with the flour and salt until the mixture is crumb-like.

5. In a measuring cup (1 or 2 cup measure), beat the egg, then add vinegar and mix well. Add the water until you reach 3/4 of a cup and mix well again.

6.  Add slowly to lard/flour/salt mixture. Beat for about 10 to 30 seconds more until well combines.  Flour your hands and the dough as you extract it from the bowl and roll into a ball on the counter (it may be sticky, just dust well with flour until you can form a ball).

7. Divide into four balls of dough.

8. Roll one ball out into a circle about 1/8 inch thick. Place pie pan upside down on the dough and cut a circle about ¾ of an inch larger than the pie plate.  Take pie plate off and sprinkle a little flour on the pie crust and rub it around to spread across the whole surface. Fold the pie crust in half then in half again the opposite way. Pick up and place in pie plate container and unfold.

8. Press crust edges with a fork all around the pie.  Poke a few fork holes in the bottom of the crust also (if you don't have pie weights, otherwise, place those in the bottom of the pie to prevent bubbling).  
9. Egg wash: Mix an egg yolk with about two tablespoons of water and beat with fork.  Then brush on pie crust, particularly on the top sides.

10. Bake at 350 preheated oven for 10 minutes.

11. Add filling and bake pie as per recipe.  Cut a circle of raw pie crust dough for the top and press it into the sides (gently). Trim any excess.  Brush top with egg wash and bake as per your pie recipe.

If you are making a PIECAKEN with this recipe, there is no need to stress about making a beautiful looking pie crust - it will not matter if you have lovely folds or leaf cut-outs if it is going to be baked inside of a cake! It just needs to have the right structure and be well sealed, so that it clearly looks like a slice of pie inside of a cake when you slice into your PIECAKEN.

This pie crust can be used in any PIECAKEN recipe.  Including:


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Recipe for Pumpkin-Pie-In-A-Vanilla-Cheesecake PIECAKEN - Delicious!

I made this Piecaken with my own recipe for pumpkin pie and my usual vanilla cheesecake recipe, just to see how it might turn out.  And - being the chocolate-lover that I am - I topped it with milk chocolate ganache. I loved it.  So then I made a second one for a couple who were planning their wedding and with one taste, they ordered it as the main dessert to be served at the wedding!  Yes, that's right.  It is THAT good.

So what you'll need is:
  • A pumpkin pie
  • Vanilla cheesecake batter
  • Graham cracker crust
  • Milk chocolate and whipping cream for a ganache or dulce de leche caramel sauce and vanilla buttercream icing

You can purchase the pumpkin pie if you like, and then just follow my cheesecake recipe, or follow my recipe for pumpkin pie below.  So here is my entire recipe (get ready, it is long!), as well as some delicious-looking pictures, for a very tasty Fall and Thanksgiving dessert.

The 'Pumpkin Piecaken' (short for Pumpkin-Pie-In-A-Vanilla-Cheesecake PIECAKEN) Recipe

Basic Instructions (see below for from-scratch recipes for each part):

1.       Make and fully bake an 8-inch pumpkin pie (my dough recipe, Stokely’s pie recipe) – in the foil pan.

2.       Make a graham cracker crust. Press into a 10-inch springform pan. Bake for 12 minutes at 350 degrees.

3.       Prepare Vanilla Cheesecake batter.  Pour ½ inch on bottom of pan.  Flip baked pie upside down into cheesecake (or right-side-up if possible). Pour the remaining batter on top and spread into and around the sides of the pie.

4.       Bake for 40-45 minutes at 350 degrees.
5.    Top with Milk Chocolate Ganache or Pumpkin-Spiced Icing and Dulce De Leche Sauce

If you are buying your pumpkin pie, make the Graham Cracker Crust recipe below and then skip to the Vanilla Cheesecake Recipe and Assembling Your PIECAKEN instructions.

Complex, Fully ‘From-Scratch’ Pumpkin Piecaken Recipe:

Graham Cracker Crust Recipe:

You need:

1 sleeve of Graham Wafers (300 grams of wafers) or 1 box (300 grams) of Graham cracker crumbs – I like the HoneyMaid brand, I find the NoName brand of ‘honey wafer crumbs’ too sickly sweet.

1/3 lb butter, melted

1/3 cup granulated regular or organic cane sugar (I try to use unbleached sugar, where possible)


1.       Prepare an 8-, 8.5- or 9-inch pan by lining with parchment paper and slathering with butter on the bottom and up the sides to prevent sticking.

2.       If using whole graham crackers, beat them with a rolling pin while still enclosed in their sleeve, or move to a plastic zipper bag and beat them on the counter within the bag until you get a mix of small and large crumbs, then place in a medium-sized bowl. If using the pre-ground crumbs, simple place in the bowl.

3.       Pour in the sugar over the crackers and mix with a wooden or large spoon until sugar is dispersed.

4.       Pour the  butter over the sugar/graham mixture and mix until all crumbs are damp.

5.       Press the mixture firmly into the bottom of the pan and partly up the sides (about a ½ inch).  Reserve a handful of the crumbs in the bowl and cover with plastic wrap.  You can top the cake with these for decoration later – it adds a nice flavour on the top of the cake as well.

6.       Bake for 10-14 minutes in the oven at 350 degrees F. Take out if the sides start to brown.  Do not over cook – this is just a pre-cooking to ensure you have a firm crust.

7.       Let cool and set aside for later.


Pumpkin Pie Crust Recipe:

You need:

5.5 cups flour (all-purpose)

2 tsp lard

1 lb Lard

1 egg

1 tbsp vinegar (white)

3/4 cup water

2 eight-inch aluminum pie plates

1 egg yolk and two tbsp of water (for optional egg wash)


1.       Combine  the flour and salt in a automatic mixer bowl (or regular baking bowl). 

2.       Reserve about a tablespoon of lard and spread around pie plate. Then chop the remaining lard into pieces (about  1-inch in size).

3.     With paddle attachment on blender mix lard with flour and salt until it is crumb-like in texture (you can also do this with 2 knives in a regular bowl, if you do not have a stand mixer).

4.     In a medium bowl, beat egg with water and vinegar. Add slowly to lard/flour/salt mixture.

5.     Kneed the dough on the counter for a minute, then make a log. Divide it into four balls and set two aside.

6.     Using a generous amount of flour on your counter and rolling pin to prevent sticking, roll out one of the balls of pie dough into a circle. Then place your pie pan upside down on dough and cut a circle about ¾ of an inch larger than the widest sides of the pie plate.  Take the pie plate off and sprinkle a little flour on the pie crust and rub it around to spread across the whole surface. Fold the pie crust in half then in half again the opposite way. Do this again for the second ball of pie dough.

7.     Cut two pieces of round parchment paper the same size as your pie crust. Ensure the pie plates are greased and then line the pie plates with one each and also grease the parchment paper.  Sprinkle flour over parchment lightly.  You really want to ensure that the pie will not stick, since you will need to extract it later to place in the cheesecake.

8.     Pick up your folded pie crust and place in one quarter of the pie plate and unfold gently to fit to the pie plate and parchment.

9.     Fold and manipulate the sides as you wish to create a pretty crust edge or simply press down with a fork all along the edges and cut off the excess.

10. Optional Eggwash: Mix an egg yolk with about two tablespoons egg water and beat with fork.  Then brush on pie crust, particularly on sides.

11. Bake your pie crust at 350 preheated oven for 10 minutes. Let cool and set aside on cookie sheets (this ensures easy handling while placing in and out of the oven) while you make your pumpkin pie filling.

Pumpkin Pie Recipe:

You need:

2 cups of brown sugar (or muscavado sugar, for a less processed recipe)

1 tsp. salt

2 tsp. cinnamon

1 tsp mace

1 can of pumpkin (about 28 ounces or 796 ml)

4 eggs

1 cup of whipping cream (or heavy cream)

1 cup of evaporated milk


1.       In a small bowl mix together the brown sugar, cinnamon, mace and salt.

2.       In your stand mixer bowl (or a medium to large bowl to use a hand mixer), place the eggs and them lightly until yolks and whites are fully mixed and slightly bubbly.

3.       Pour in the brown sugar and spice mixture and beat together until well blended.

4.       Add the pumpkin and beat until well mixed.

5.       On low, mix in the cream and the milk.

6.       Ensure your prepared pie crusts are on baking pans for easy handling in and out of the oven. Pre-heat oven to 450 degrees F. Then pour the mixture into your two prepared pie crusts. Be careful not to spill over the sides, onto the crust edges.

7.       Bake at 450 degrees F for 15 minutes, then reduce the heat to 350 degrees F and bake for about 25 minutes more until firm but not hard.  You want a soft pumpkin pie.  Just ensure it is cooked all around. 

8.       Also, check the crust edges at 15 minutes – if they are browning and you think they will burn, you make need a circle of foil placed lightly over crust edges to protect them.  You can add this halfway through cooking if necessary. Ensure the foil does not touch the top of the pie filling.

9.       Gently take pies out of the oven and set aside to cool until it is set. You can chill in fridge overnight before making your cheesecake filling, if you wish.  Or just wait several hours until it is cooled and set (for instance, make your pies in the morning, then make the cheesecake part and Piecaken in the afternoon or evening once the pumpkin pie is set). You will only need one of these pies for the Piecaken. If all goes well, enjoy the second pie on its own!

Cheesecake Filling Recipe:

You need:

Four (4) 250 gram packages of cream cheese, room temperature

1 cup of granulated regular or organic sugar.

1.5 tsp real vanilla

5 eggs

1.5 cups sour cream


1.       Beat the sour cream in your stand mixer until it is softly whipped.  Using a spatula, scrape the bottom of the bowl and whip again if necessary to prevent any firm chunks of cream cheese. 

2.       Slowly add the half of the sugar.  Spatula the bottom of the bowl to even out the mixture and add the other half of the sugar. Continue to beat on high for 30 seconds and then using a spatula, ensure the bottom of the mixture is fully mixed into the top.

3.       Add the vanilla and mix for a few seconds.

4.       Add the eggs one at a time and beat for about 30 seconds per egg.  Use a spatula between each egg addition to ensure the mixture at the bottom of the bowl is fully mixed in.  If not, you will have chunks of cream cheese and a lumpy filling.

5.       Add the sour cream and beat for 30 seconds.  Stir with your spatula for a few seconds to ensure the mixture is fully mixed.

6.       Set aside.

Assembling your PIECAKEN:

1.       Pour 1/3 to half of the cheesecake mixture into your Springform pan (with the prepared graham cracker crust in it), so there is a coating of about ½ to 1 inch of cheesecake filling on the bottom, covering the crust.

2.       Pick up your pie and very quickly flip it upside down into the middle of your cheesecake pan. 

3.       Remove the pie plate and parchment paper carefully.

4.       Pour the remaining cheesecake filling on top of the pie. Spread it around the top and into the sides to ensure an even top on your cake.

5.       Bake in a preheated 350 degree F oven for 40 minutes to 1 hour.  Check the cake after forty minutes to see if it looks cooked.  Take it out of the oven if it starts to crack or looks too firm.

Let cool for several hours then refrigerate. Once chilled, run a knife around the edges of your springform pan and release. Then carefully remove the cake from the plate and parchment and place it on a serving plate (it helps to have a second person remove parchment with you).

Piecaken Topping:

Bring 1/3 cup of whipping cream just to a boil and then pour over 6 ounces of broken or chopped milk chocolate (about 2 100 gram chocolate bars).  Stir until smooth.  Add 1 tbsp or corn syrup or agave syrup and stir until smooth – this adds a nice shine. Pour the mixture onto the centre of your chilled PIECAKEN and spread around carefully.  You can spread it slightly over the edges to make it looks really chocolaty.  Sprinkle the reserved graham crumbs in the centre.  If you do not want chocolate, you can encircle the top edges with a pumpkin spiced buttercream (use the same spice combination as in the Pumpkin Pie recipe above) or a vanilla icing and then pour a Dulce de Leche caramel sauce in the centre and spread to edges of icing – whatever you prefer!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

So what is a 'piecaken' anyway?

If you have never heard of the term 'piecaken' before, be prepared to find a new passion here on this website. If you are any kind of foodie, or just a person who likes pie and cake, it is likely that once you hear about 'piecaken' you will want to make one for yourself.  Then you might find yourself lying awake at night, thinking up endless combinations of piecaken that you can make for your family and friends.  That is what happened to me and to  many of my friends and family, once they learned about piecaken.

So what is a PIECAKEN anyway?  It is a whole pie that is baked inside of a whole cake. If the pie is not baked into the cake, but simply placed in the middle of a pre-baked cake, that is a 'Faken' Piecaken'....but that is another story which will be addressed in a future article.

A piecaken can be simple or it can be complex. A Simple Piecaken is when you go to the grocery store and purchase a pre-baked pie and a cake mix. Then you 'simply' follow these directions:
  1. Whip up your cake mix as per the instructions on the cake mix box.
  2. Pour half of the cake mix in the bottom of a cake pan that is slightly larger than your pie (ie. for an 8-inch pie, use a 9-inch round cake pan).
  3. Take your pre-baked pie out of the package and flip it upside down onto the cake batter in the pan and remove the foil pie plate.
  4. Pour the remaining batter on top of the pie and spread it around the edges of the pie.
  5. Bake for about 1 hour or until an inserted knife comes out clean.
  6. Let cool on a cooling rack until it sets a little, then flip the cake upside-down onto a cake plate. 
  7. Decorate with pre-mixed store-bought icing, and Voila! you have a Piecaken.

A Complex Piecaken is when you make a pie from scratch and bake it.  Then you make a cake batter from scratch and bake your pie into it.  Then you whip up some chocolate ganache or buttercream icing and decorate your Piecaken.

But whether it is simple or complicated, a  PIECAKEN is still delicious and still offers endless opportunities to create unique flavours.  Just think about it: Cherry Pie inside of a Chocolate Cake, Strawberry Pie inside of an Angel-Food Cake, Apple Pie inside of a Vanilla Ice Cream Cake and so on to infinity.

An example of a Savoury Piecaken: 
A Tourtiere (Meat Pie) baked
inside of a savoury Cornbread Cake!
Coming soon to this blog: Tips for Baking a Piecaken and a fantastic recipe for Pumpkin-Pie-in-a-Vanilla-Cheesecake Piecaken and something that has not yet been discussed on any other website devoted to piecakens: Savoury Piecakens.